Is Honey Good for Cats?

As a veterinarian with over 10 years of expertise, I regularly meet pet owners who are intrigued about alternative therapies for their cats. Cats often wonder whether honey is safe and healthy. We'll discuss honey's benefits for cats in this post.



Honey has been used medicinally for ages. Bees generate this natural sweetener from blossom nectar. Some pet owners question whether honey is good for cats due to its unique composition and possible health advantages. Let's examine honey's pros and cons for cats.

Nutritional Composition of Honey

Honey is nutrient-rich. It contains energy-rich carbohydrates like fructose and glucose. Honey includes trace elements, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. Cats have different nutritional demands than humans.

Cats' Honey Health Benefits

Honey improves people, but cats haven't been examined. Before feeding your cat honey, visit a vet. Honey may help cats in the following ways:

Soothing Properties

Honey soothes cats with slight throat discomfort. A little honey may relieve your cat's cough or itchy throat.

Wound Healing

Honey heals human wounds. Veterinarians may treat cat wounds and skin issues using medical-grade honey. This honey is distinct from supermarket honey.


Some cats like honey. A little honey may help cats consume pills or vitamins.

Risks and Considerations

Honey may be beneficial, however there are risks:


Cats may have allergies too. Some cats may have a reaction to honey or one of its components. Stop using honey and see a doctor if your cat has allergic reactions including itching, swelling, or trouble breathing.

Sugar Content

Honey has plenty of sugar. Cats are carnivores with poor carbohydrate digestion. Overfeeding honey may cause weight gain, dental troubles, and other health concerns. Honey should be consumed in moderation.

Botulism Risk

Honey is composed or may containing Clostridium botulinum spores, which may cause botulism. Kittens and cats with weak immune systems should not eat honey. Adult cats are more botulism-resistant.

Honeying Cats

If you offer your cat honey, observe these rules:

1. Ask your vet before feeding your pet honey.

2. Use honey as a reward or to help your cat take medicine.

3. Choose raw, unprocessed honey.

4. Never give kittens or cats with health difficulties honey without veterinarian advice.

5. If your cat develops allergies or stomach issues, stop using honey.



While honey may help cats, it's best to visit a vet. Although cats may find honey soothing and enjoyable, it should only be given in small amounts and as directed by a vet. Remember that cats need particular nutrition.