Best and unique Motivational Speech by T.D. Jakes

Because compliance is greatest when you don't comprehend if I tell my kid to clean the room don't ask me why I don't have to explain to you we got company coming over and we got this no .I said clean the room obedience is better than sacrifice obedience is better than understanding and God is trying to teach us to obey him and trust in the fact that pruning is not punishment.

That you're not cursed because you had a horrible day or that God isn't punishing you because you're suffering. Pruning and punishment are distinct, yet they seem the same.

Pruning is the reward of having something of value, and God prunes you because you're fruitful.

I had to trust God when they sliced four inches into my back and operated on it, and I had to learn how to walk again.

I had to trust God when I spoke on Sunday mornings in Washington DC and couldn't walk. I had to lie on the floor in the back of the church because the agony was so bad, and when they introduced me, I couldn't move. I came out preach because when the anointing was only and the spirit started moving and the energy got up it was like I had no pain I only made one mistake I sat down after preaching instead of leaving and when I sat down the pain

Truth and trust go hand in hand; we need both to see the crushing from God's Divine perspective. God sees beyond the corner. If Jesus went to the cross, Paul went to jail, Joseph went into a pit, and the woman with the blood issue was there, why not me?

So when you face a dilemma and run into a crisis and you're trying to figure out what's going on in my life and it feels like you're going backwards instead of forward then you trusted the wrong person or you made the wrong decision or the business didn't turn out like you thought and you have a setback you have to remember that a setback is a setup for a comeback and you can't go into the valley of Despair and throw yourself a pity party not me

I remember our ministry was growing and then in 2008 the economy fell and I had to lay off 40 people. I said, "Why me Lord?" Why not? Others are experiencing it. The Lord was teaching me how to leave Seasons and make harsh decisions.

Anyone can make easy choices as a leader, but to make tough choices and have the spine and guts to put make a tough choice that people don't like and they're murmuring about it and complaining about it but it was necessary to do it and it felt my lot to be able to make those kinds of choices why me to him whom much is given much is required you can't have the much given and then avoid the much required you have to make the problem comes to us all, but I'm pleased it doesn't continue forever. The trick of life is to make sure you don't get out of problem and be left with the father because trouble has an expiry date. Trauma may endure 30 years.